Relationship between Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation

Assessment, measurement and evaluation, all three are important and they are directly related to the education system. These three are a support through which the development and prosperity of the students can be measured. Through these, various abilities and qualifications of the students can be monitored. Assessment is an information gathering process that helps in checking the progress and abilities of students. For assessment, information is collected through various tests and students are evaluated on the basis of which their progress can be seen.

Assessment, measurement and evaluation – these are the three major processes which are important in relation to any work or product. Through assessment we can measure the quality, importance and impact of anything. Measurement similarly gives us a measure of the quantity and outcome of a particular situation or situation. Through evaluation we can analyze the importance of a subject and its advantages and disadvantages. The relationship between these three processes helps us in taking any decision or work in the right direction.

Evaluation is an important process through which the values of students are determined. Through this process, a measured value is assessed and its suitability and value is determined. In evaluation, on the basis of information collected through assessment, it is known to what extent the previously determined objectives have been achieved. Through this process, not only the intellectual achievement of the student is evaluated but his entire personality is also evaluated. Evaluation is a comprehensive, systematic and objective process which plays an important role in the development of students.

Measurement is a process of assigning marks to objects or persons according to certain accepted rules. At the time of educational evaluation, some basic principles of measurement are used to measure the ability of students. In this, percentile terms, deviation scores, and authentic scores play an important role. Just as various instruments are used to measure objects, similarly scales are also used to measure the ability of students. This makes it clear that assessment, measurement and evaluation are deeply interconnected.

Correlation in Measurement and Evaluation :

Measurement and evaluation contributes significantly to both fields such as education and science. To explain the measurement and evaluation, it is necessary to know the depth between them. Measurement is an important tool for evaluation. If measurement is correct and clear, the assessment will also be correct and effective. Time and money contribute to measurement, while evaluation is a long process. Therefore, both have importance and it is necessary to maintain their balance.

Measurement and evaluation are two important elements that play a valuable role in any business or personal work. Measurement and evaluation are closely related, because without high quality measurement, no evaluation can be done properly. Therefore, it is extremely important to do measurement and evaluation correctly at the right time. Through measurement we can test the quantity and quality of an object, whereas through evaluation we can determine the value of that object. Thus, measurement and evaluation need to be closely related so that we can make right decisions and planning.

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